Staff Screening and Training
S D & G Med Staff Inc. conducts a rigorous recruitment process and mandatory training sessions that consists of:
1. Screening and Interview:
a) Vaccine validation
b) In-depth Interview and test assessment
c) Confirmation of educational history, licenses, and employment experience
d) Criminal background checks and confirm compliance with their regulatory colleges and universities
e) Confirming CPR and other health clearance requirements
2. All onboarding documents:
a) Employee handbooks
b) WHMIS training
c) Health and safety awareness training for workers and supervisors
d) Human rights code training
e) AODA integrated standards training
f) Workplace violence and harassment training.
g) Verification of competency and mandatory orientation on S D & G Med Staff’s policies, principles, and procedures.
3. On-The-Job monitoring and assessments/performance reviews.
4. Access to continuing education/professional development